Dec 4, 2007

Santa Pictures take # 27

We decided to take our annual trip to see Santa Claus early this year....due to Connor's upcoming surgery. Last year Connor did great he was only 3 months old, he had no clue. As you can see from this year what a difference a year makes. We went on Sunday right after the snow that fell the night before, luckily for us there was NO LINE to see Santa. this is the first picture taken as you can tell Connor was not happy, and Abbey was not happy with Connor, she interrupted her time with Santa. 27 pictures later we wound up with a Great picture. Connor was much happier and Abbey told Santa she wanted a dollhouse with a elevator in it, and a Candy Land Castle Game oh and new crayons.....she also said Connor wanted a football...but what I really think Connor wanted was to get off of Santa's lap. Connor reminds me of my brother Jeremy when he went to see Santa, crying, beat red face and in tears. 27 pictures last we finally got it. I think last year it took almost 60 pictures for our Christmas card.

Dec 2, 2007

Steel head season 2007

Training Camp has begun (for Steel head)

Adam has decided that Connor needs to start preparing for Steel heading.......He has some awfully big shoes to fill.

Let it Snow....Let it Snow!!!!!!

I ran outside to get a picture of our house in the snow....I figured it would be the only time the lights are up and there is snow around.....great opportunity for a fun, snowy picture of our new house. Notice there are lights up....Adam who is afraid of heights talked his lovely wife into getting on the tippy tippy top of the roof and putting in the tabs to hold the lights(they go under the shingles) Guess the good news is nobody died, fell or otherwise hurt them selves. I figured since I put them up Adam can take them down. Just a suggestion.