Nov 24, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

This year Adam and had Thanksgiving at our new house. We typically have it at Adam's Aunt Sherri and Uncle Punk's house. This was a great motivator to get all those projects around the house completed. While completing the list of projects, which was about a mile long, I have come to the conclusion I will never again paint my house with my children or my husband around. I love them all very much....mommy has enough excitement in her life already. We worked every night till 11, 12 sometimes 1 a.m. the house was perfect by Thanksgiving. We had between 24-28 people for dinner. My brother Jeremy came down from Bellingham along with his girlfriend, Nancy & Gary, Kit & Susie, Sherrie & Punk, Alan & Christie and there kids and many more to many to list. We had a 22lb turkey along with a Barron of beef (cooked by Gary) it was really good. In fact it was so good Connor snuck a piece and started eating it, he couldn't take it anymore. the proof is in the picture. Nancy made just a SMALL PORTION OF GRAVY(enough to feed about 50 people)
What was really crazy is Punk, Gary and Alan ate more gravy at there table than the 12+ people at the other table.
Gary, Nancy and Gary's sister Susie
Oh the 22lb Turkey

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